Oil and Gas
Data Management Services

Tailored for exploration and production by taking the hassle out of enterprise resource planning

Tackling Challenges in Oil and Gas Data Management

Customer's Challenge

Enterprise data management is one of the toughest challenges in oil and gas. It requires an immense amount of paperwork and manual effort. Employees spend hours sorting through documents stored in large file cabinets or overcomplicated data management systems. Executives want to future-proof their production but struggle to find a digital solution that saves paperwork and workforce costs.

Customers Challenge

Our Solution

Digital Oil & Gas Solutions has developed a unique data management platform for automated processing of all data formats. Our Data Management as a Service (DMaaS) can be implemented as a data warehouse, data lake, or converter for a data swamp to help leverage your information to the best level possible.

Our Solution

How Data Management Services Benefits Your Business

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End-to-end data management support model

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No paperwork, free office space

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Lower operating costs, increased staff productivity

Leveraging Cloud-based Data Management Services for Oil and Gas

Enhance your site's performance with our automated data analysis

Built on the latest cloud technologies, our Data Management Services solution drives smart analytical oil and gas data management and reporting. The platform utilizes a specific templatized approach to adapt and adjust to any data set - paper or digital. We’re able to turn any amount of paper into digital assets, structuring and visualizing it for easy understanding and further navigation.

Data Management Services key features include but are not limited to:

Reimagined Services for Advanced Usage of Data Analytics in the Oil and Gas Industry

Document Digitization

Efficient data transformation and storage

Sticking to manual information processing means you’re losing a competitive edge. Convert all paper files and PDFs into reportable, actionable digitized data and transform your paper-dependent processes into a 100% paperless flow with our cross-industry workflow automation platform—Document Digitization as a Service (DDaaS).

Document digitization

Data Migration

Seamless transition of your assets during mergers and acquisitions

Our cloud-based, fit-for-purpose Mergers and Acquisition Data Migration Service (MADMS) is an error-free, seamless data migration platform. It`s designed to guarantee zero delays in the data validation process and support your business in upgrading, mergers and acquisitions, divestitures, or adopting new oil and gas ERP software.

Data Migration

Data Insights

The power of asset metrics to drive better business outcomes

Streamline your operations, proactively manage any changes in production, and outmaneuver your competitors with turnkey services for data analysis in oil and gas. Our "low cost—high value" cloud-native analytics solution, data insights, provides a comprehensive view of your business through easy-to-read visualization and reporting.

Data Insights

Data Communications

One managed interface for all data needs via our Time Series Engine

Time Series Engine (TSE) enables seamless handling, analysis, and processing of data collected at regular intervals. Designed to harness the power of time-series (but not limited to) data for businesses. Customers can efficiently manage and interpret trends, patterns, and fluctuations, unlocking valuable insights from their data.

Data Communications

Use Cases

Don’t take our word for it! Explore real-life stories of how oil and gas customers have cut OPEX and increased production and profit margins with our solutions!

100 Invoice Automation for Oil and Gas Companies in Less Than One Year

100% Invoice Automation for Oil and Gas Companies in Less Than One Year

Digitize your workflow process and go paperless with our DDaaS solution!

Field Data Capture Application provides alternative economic solution

Field Data Capture Application Provides Alternative Economic Solution for Digitalization

Boost your company’s digital capabilities across all assets with our FDC solution!

Robust Data Migration Services for Mergers and Acquisitions in The Oil and Gas Industry

Robust Data Migration Service for Mergers and Acquisitions in the Oil and Gas Industry

Achieve seamless and safe data migration with our MADMS Solution!

Oil and gas data management solutions to extend the life of your assets